Welcome to TTMN Coaching

Our Mission

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Mission Statement

Our mission at TTMN Coaching is to assist you with your journey to self love. We strongly believe our words have power. How you think transfers to how you feel and our thoughts become our reality. This is where we come in to assist and give you the tools you need overcome those negative beliefs, patterns and to put yourself first.

About alicia Auld

Hi my name is Alicia Auld and I am the founder of Talk To Me Nice Coaching. I have worked in the Social Service Field for over 9 years. My self love journey started in 2020 where I decided to put myself first, discover who I am, accept myself and fall in love with myself all over again. Growing up I struggled with negative self talk, low self esteem , people pleasing and a negative body image. This all played a factor into a 13 year battle with an eating disorder. I call these insecurities unwanted gifts, because how I felt about myself were never my actual thoughts, they were other peoples perceptions. I carried these unwanted gifts throughout my adolescent and right into adulthood.

I was and still am a huge people pleaser. I had to learn how to say no so I wouldn't feel exhausted. The guilt of putting myself first was intense. After becoming a mother, I desired to change how I perceived myself because I didn't want to project these negative thoughts and beliefs onto my son. I struggled with this, I didn't know where to start or even how to change my views.

Fast forward to 2020 due to the pandemic I decided to make healing my childhood wounds a priority. I received assistance from a life coach who recommended I pursue life coaching. In the same year I became a Certified Guided Women's Facilitator with Sacred Sister Collective and in 2021 I became a certified Self Love-Lifestyle Coach by completing The Self Love-Lifestyle Program founded by Melanie Monaco. Through life experiences and education I am now able to share with you the tools I used that truly helped me in myself love journey. I am so excited to assist you with your journey to self love and putting yourself first!

Self Love Starter Pack

Let's kick start your self love journey by learning the fundamentals of self love. In this 4 week program we break down the meaning of self love, what that looks and feels like to you. Our goal is to assist you with recreating your own definition of self love.This is a 4 week online program which includes two 60 minute coaching session's( within the 4 weeks) and weekly activities that are completed online.

**Contact us for more information on the cost of this program.**

TTMN Body Confidence Program

This is a 6 week in depth program focused on building your body confidence. Our thoughts are powerful and a lot of our body confidence issues stems from what we were taught throughout our lives.We will meet once a week for 60 minutes with each week having a different focus accompanied by activities on how to counteract negatives thoughts, learning where your thoughts about your body originated from, how to build a better relationship with your body and so much more. By the end of our program you will learn how to speak to your body, the same way a 90's r&b artist sings to their fans. With love and compassion.

**Contact us for more information on the cost of this program.**

Self Care boot camp

If your challenge is putting yourself first this program is for you. The Self Care Boot camp is a 5 week program that focuses on assisting you in your self care journey. This program is catered to your individual needs within the self care spectrum- mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Each week we will go in depth with goals, challenges , triggers and strategies to ensure your success . Our goal is to assist you in creating a realistic self care plan that is suitable to your daily life.You will be able implement what you have learned over the 5 weeks in your day to day schedule. Our goal is to get you to the place where you are able to put yourself first, create boundaries, create support systems ,understand your triggers and establish your very own self care routine.

Duration: 60 minutes per week

**Contact us for more information on the cost of this program.**

Emergency Self Care Plan

This is a one time 60 minute coaching session where we assist you in creating your very own self care plan. This plan is great if you suffer from anxiety, stress or you're just having a challenging time taking care of your overall well being. In this program we discuss your triggers( what they look and how they feel), what does a safe space mean to you, what does support mean to you (creating your own support team), identifying your day to day challenges , goals and creating strategies to assist in your day to day.

**Contact us for more information on the cost of this program.**

Talk To Me Friday's

Feeling overwhelmed? Have you been desperately looking for that safe space, where you can truly be yourself, let your hair down and just let it all out in a non judgmental environment? Or do you just want someone to talk to? We got you! for 30 minutes every Friday you can book a session with us!

Cost: $50

Upcoming Programs

Raising N.D.C(Neuro Diverse Children)

This is a support group for parents, guardians , and siblings of neuro diverse children. This group is a safe space and judgement free zone.

Start date: June ,2024.

Smiling Charming Woman in the Office

Contact Details

Email Address


Phone Number

(647) 657-6454